







如果乳腺癌治疗的景观是一个游泳池, 研究人员花了50年的时间1 在固定泳道游泳, identifying patients and treatments according to specific and well-defined categories. We have learned some new strokes during that time — uncovering valuable biological identifiers like HER2 and BRCA— but continued to swim in familiar lanes; HR+, HER2 +, 三阴性癌症2,3. 现在这种情况要改变了. We have recently uncovered opportunities for treating patients based on target expression. This is opening new segments in breast 癌症 and requires us to re-evaluate these traditional categories for there are patients 谁 may be eligible to receive novel and existing medicines based on better classification using current and novel 诊断. 反过来, 这可能会改变一些乳腺癌的分类和治疗方式, 创造新的泳道,让澳门葡京赌博游戏为更多的病人开辟一条成功的道路.

随着澳门葡京赌博游戏对乳腺癌的了解的发展, we now understand that it represents a spectrum of diseases consisting of diverse subtypes that differ in biology, 对治疗的临床反应和总体结果4. Each patient’s breast 癌症 is unique and requires a personalised treatment approach5. 感谢遗传学的进步, 诊断, molecular biology and systems biology have expanded our ability to address this challenge by identifying and targeting specific subtypes of breast 癌症4 以新的方式帮助更多的病人.

With this knowledge and innovative new tools, a renewed mission for 癌症 care is possible. 澳门葡京赌博游戏现在的目标是尽早治疗乳腺癌, 更聪明的, 更广泛的 and 更公平的 to make the greatest impact with the ultimate goal of improving — and prolonging — the lives of people with breast 癌症.


鉴别和治疗癌症 早些时候 是否对带来有效的治疗和改善结果至关重要. We know that the best way to cure 癌症 is to identify the disease at an 早些时候 stage6 并在手术前后提供全身治疗7. 虽然许多患者接受现行护理标准(SOC)的治疗,, we plan to improve patient outcomes through our portfolio and ongoing studies and hope to make meaningful advances in survival for people with breast 癌症.

澳门葡京赌博游戏也必须继续这样做 更聪明的 关于治疗乳腺癌. We are investing in several screening and diagnostic technologies that aim to make this possible, 比如利用循环肿瘤DNA (ctDNA)8, 与创新的测试伙伴合作, investigating treatments in 早些时候 lines of 癌症 and intercepting 癌症 早些时候 before it leads to clinical progression.

To reach more patients 谁se needs are unmet with current strategies, we must also target a 更广泛的 一系列的乳腺癌产生更深层次的影响. In addition to developing the new therapies that we hope will replace current SOC, we are evaluating novel combinations of therapies with an aim of leading to greater efficacy and more sustained benefit by helping to prevent or delay the emergence of treatment resistance.

最后,用a 更公平的 approach to drug development is critical to reaching all patients affected by breast 癌症, including minority populations affected disproportionately as it relates to treatment outcomes9. 要做到这一点, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在调整澳门葡京赌博游戏的临床试验方案,使其更容易获得和更具包容性, 努力为患者提供负担得起的选择, 识别和解决获取和护理方面的障碍9.


Our advancements in these four categories are underpinned by our commitment to boldly following the science with the patient need at the forefront and bringing our multi-pronged approach to redefine breast 癌症 care.

一方面,一方面, we are pursuing a strong and diverse pipeline to target the many drivers of breast 癌症. 这包括开发一系列新药,如免疫疗法, 抗体药物偶联物, 还有小分子抑制剂和降解剂. Breakthroughs in areas such as ctDNA and computational pathology are also helping us understand how patients respond to these therapies8 这样他们的制度就可以被调整,以达到最好的结果.

为了补充这项研究, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在使用新工具, 比如数字技术和病人报告的结果, 评估和处理患者对药物的反应, 最终目的是改善病人的体验. 这涉及到访问实时, 患者生成的数据可以帮助澳门葡京赌博游戏改进治疗方法. 结合临床试验, real-world data also helps us better understand the impact of our medicines in the real-world outside of a controlled clinical trial environment10.

We also appreciate the power that external partnerships can bring to our efforts and collaborate with others to achieve shared goals. 澳门葡京赌博游戏与TEMPUS的合作, 例如, aims to transform 癌症 outcomes by bringing the power of real-world data to ensure that the evidence from our clinical trials is benefiting patients in a real-world setting. 


澳门葡京赌博游戏正处于乳腺癌研究和护理的新时代. 澳门葡京赌博游戏为病人取得了令人难以置信的进步, breaking the swim lanes and diving for more answers because there is still work to be done. 与行业, 临床医生, 研究人员, 学者和病人, 澳门葡京赌博游戏将继续以引领创新科技发展为目标, pursue valuable collaborations and develop innovative therapies to redefine treatment pathways for patients that may improve lives. 



  1. 英国癌症研究中心. 2019年英国癌症. 2022年5月26日访问http://www.癌症researchuk.org/sites/default/files/state_of_the_nation_april_2019.pdf
  2.  Godoy-Ortiz A等. 破译HER2乳腺癌疾病:生物学和临床意义. 前肿瘤防治杂志. 2019; 9: 1124
  3.  Chavez K . J .等. Triple Negative 乳腺癌 Cell Lines: One Tool in the Search for Better Treatment of Triple Negative 乳腺癌. 乳房说. 2010; 32(1-2): 35-48.
  4.  耶尔萨尔O和巴鲁卡S. 乳腺癌的生物学亚型:预后和治疗意义. 世界临床肿瘤杂志. 2014; 5(3): 412-424.
  5.  门德斯E. 个性化医疗:重新定义癌症及其治疗. 美国癌症协会. 2015年4月. 2022年5月23日访问:http://www.癌症.org/latest-news/personalized-medicine-redefining-癌症-and-its-treatment.html
  6.  世界卫生组织. 促进癌症早期诊断. 2022年5月26日访问http://www.谁.int /活动/ promoting-癌症-early-diagnosis
  7.  克利夫兰诊所. 转移(转移性癌症). 2022年5月26日访问http://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22213-metastasis-metastatic-癌症
  8.  Muendlein A等. Significant impact of circulating tumour DNA mutations on survival in metastatic breast 癌症 patients. 科学报告. 2021; 11(6761).
  9.  Hamel L M等. Barriers to Clinical Trial Enrollment in Racial and Ethnic Minority Patients with Cancer. 癌症控制. 2016. 23(4); 327-337.
  10.  健康分析. 卫生经济学和结果研究. 2022年3月. 2022年5月26日访问http://www.healthanalytics.com/health-economics-and-outcomes-research/

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